日本Ebara 公司Manabu Tsujimura 博士学术交流活动


时间:2019 年11 月27 日-11 月29 日
地点:电子信息工程学院102 教室(11 月28 日上午9 点);
河北工大南院微电子所(11 月28 日下午3 点,11 月29 日上午9 点)
报告1:Overview of Semiconductor World
报告2:Plating & Polishing technologies in semiconductor device process
报告3:R&D by Serendipity,including success and failure experiences
Name: Dr. Manabu Tsujimura
Title/ Position: Fellow of Ebara Corporation
Dr. Manabu Tsujimura is at present Fellow of Ebara Corporation, who has
worked at Ebara Corporation since 1974, CTO of Ebara Corporation since 2009,
President of Precision Machinery Company from 2011 to 2015,
He received a Dr. degree in Engineering field from Tokyo Metropolitan University,
Tokyo, Japan.
He is Fellow of JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings)
He has contributed to academies and associations as;
Visiting Professor of Clarkson University,
Visiting Professor of Hanyang University,
Visiting Professor of SKKU,
Visiting Professor of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
Visiting Professor of Fudan University,
Vice chair of SEAJ (Chair in 2017 and 2018)
Vice chair of JVIA (Chair in 2012 and 2013)
He has more than 100 patents, and has written more than 100 papers.