














2005年~2009年 河北科技师范学院物理学专业,本科

2009年~2012年 燕山大学凝聚态物理专业,硕士

2012年~2017年 北京交通大学通信与信息系统专业,博士

2017年~今   任职于河北工业大学电子信息工程学院



1. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Yang Li, Luna Zhang, Zhuoya Bai, Hong Zhou, Yafei Hou “Noise-like pulse generation from a thulium-doped fiber laser using nonlinear polarization rotation with different net anomalous dispersion” Photonics Research (2016) 4 (6): 318-321

2. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Wanjing Peng, Ting Feng, Ze Dong, Geekung Chang “Tunable dual-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser by employing a HB-FBG” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (2014) 26 (18): 1809-1812

3. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Ting Feng, Luna Zhang, Zhuoya Bai, Wenguo Han, Hong Zhou “Multi-wavelength thulium-doped fiber laser using a fiber-based Lyot filter” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (2016) 28 (8): 864-867

4. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Luna Zhang, Zhuoya Bai, Hong Zhou, Yafei Hou, Ning Zhang “Switchable SP dual-wavelength mode-locked TDFL incorporating a PM-FBG and SESAM” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (2017) 29 (6): 551-554

5. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Beilei Wu, Siyu Tan, Wanjing Peng, Ting Feng, Xiao Liang, Qi Li “A multiwavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser incorporating a highly nonlinear fiber” Journal of Optics (2014) 16 (5): 055201

6. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Luna Zhang, Wenguo Han, Zhuoya Bai, Hong Zhou “Noise-like femtosecond pulse in passively mode-locked Tm-doped NALM-based oscillator with small net anomalous” Journal of Optics (2016) 18 (1): 015508

7. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Ting Feng, Luna Zhang, Zhuoya Bai, Hong Zhou, Yafei Hou, Ning Zhang “Single-polarization noise-like pulse generation from a hybrid mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser” Journal of Optics (2017) 19: 045505

8. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Ting Feng, Beilei Wu, Ze Dong, Geekung Chang “Switchable and spacing-tunable dual-wavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser based on a nonlinear amplifier loop mirror” Applied Optics (2014) 53 (24): 5522-5526  

9. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Peng Liu, Luna Zhang, Zhuoya Bai, Bin Yin, Hong Zhou “Switchable single-polarization dual-wavelength TDFL using PM Fabry-Perot filter” Optical Fiber Technology (2016) 29: 1-5

10. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Ting Feng, Wanjing Peng, Xiao Liang, Yan Bai “Multiwavelength thulium-doped silica fiber laser incorporating an all-fiber phase modulator” Optical Fiber Technology (2015) 22: 52-55

11. Shuo Liu, Fengping Yan, Siyu Tan, Yan Bai, Chang Fei, Hong Zhou, Yafei Hou, Ning Zhang “Stability wavelength-spacing-tunable single-longitudinal-mode dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror” Optical and Quantum Electronics (2017) 49: 15

12. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li, Ying Du “Analysis of the characteristics of the polarization splitter based on tellurite glass dual-core photonic crystal fiber” Optics & Laser Technology (2012) 44: 1813-1817

13. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li, Xiaoxia Zhang “Numerical analysis of the As2Se3 chalcogenide glass multi-ring photonic crystal fiber” Infrared Physics & Technology (2012) 55: 427-430.

14. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li. “Numerical analysis of photonic crystal fiber with chalcogenide core tellurite cladding composite microstructure” Chinese Physics B (2013) 22 (7): 074206-1-5

15. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li, Guobing Yin, Xiaoyan Wang “Coupling characteristics of high birefringence dual-core As2S3 rectangular lattice photonic crystal fiber” Chinese Physics B (2012) 21 (3): 034217

16. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li, Guobing Yin, Rongpu Feng, Xiaoyan Wang “A novel polarization splitter in ZnTe tellurite glass three-core photonic crystal fiber” Optics Communications (2012) 285: 1097-1102

17. Shuo Liu, Shuguang Li, Xingping Zhu “A novel polarization splitter based on dual-core elliptical holes hybrid photonic crystal fiber” Optik (2012) 123 (20): 1858-1861

18. 刘硕,李曙光,付博,周洪松,冯荣普“中红外高保偏硫系玻璃双芯光子晶体光纤耦合特性”物理学报 (2011) 60 (3): 034217



1. 中红外超连续谱激励中畸形波稳定、选择性激发及精确控制研究”国家自然科学青年基金项目,主持

2. 面向大气污染检测的2微米可调谐单偏振掺铥双波长激光器研制河北省青年拔尖人才项目,主持

3. “面向激光手术的基于二硫化钼的单频高脉冲能量种子源研究”河北省青年科学基金项目,主持

4. “利用多维飞秒时间分辩光谱技术研究分子激发态相干振动及其演化超快动力学”国家自然科学基金项目,主要参与者

5. “重复频率百焦耳能量的紧凑型固体激光光源研制”国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项,参与者

6. “面向耐辐照高精度光纤陀螺的空芯微结构保偏光纤研制及敏感环应用研究”河北省自然科学基金和重点基础研究专项,参与者

7. “高稳定性、窄线宽多波长石英基掺Tm3+光纤激光器及其在空间光通信中的应用”国际(地区)合作与交流项目,主要参与者

8. Tm3+: Ho3+共掺光纤激光手术刀及其关键技术研究”国家自然科学基金“仪器专项”项目,主要参与者

9. 基于非硅基大模场光子晶体光纤的高功率中红外宽带频谱展宽的理论和实验”国家自然科学基金项目,主要参与者

10. 基于单芯或多芯光子晶体光纤的飞秒激光光镊技术研究”河北省自然科学基金重点资助项目,主要参与者



1. 2014年博士研究生“国家奖学金”

2. 2013年河北省优秀硕士论文